
Time in nature has always been rejuvenating for me. Research shows that outdoor exposure helps children with emotional regulation, mood and general mental health wellness. The fresh air, sunlight and plants provide multiple physical health benefits including deeper breathing, stronger bones , and a calmer stress response.

A  regular walk in a green space near you or even down the road can teach children a lot about the seasonal shifts in nature. You can watch a summer stream dry up and freeze as winter approaches then compare it when melted and running quickly with the spring thaw.

Other tips include:

have older kids take photos or sketch interesting finds to keep them engaged

wear weather-appropriate clothing and bring a change of clothes

try hopping rocks or wading in the water 

have children touch tree bark and compare it to moss, 

talk about the roles of fungi (decomposer, symbiotic tree companions) and the importance of these roles in a forest

take a closer look at the leaves and trees to see insects feeding and have children research later on

make family walks part of your weekly rhythm 

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