Winter has been long and full of colds. Boosting the immune system is the best (and only) defence for many common viruses. We now know that over-the-counter decongestants can be harmful. We know that antibiotics are over prescribed and useless against viral infections. This means we keep an array of remedies to soothe symptoms.
We soothe coughs around here using:
• honey, lemon and ginger tea
• elderberry syrup (Suro)
• vapour rub (Kayala)
• diffusing oils such as eucalyptus and wintergreen
These remedies are effective at soothing irritated throats and contain anti-inflammatory properties. Nature is full of powerful active ingredients. I'm always on the look out for companies that harvest and create medicinal products sustainably, because we want these treatments available well into the future.
Luckily, 8 years into parenting and we haven't had to use antibiotics yet. Here is hoping for strong immune systems for life!!